
Why Study In Spain

Expand your horizons in Spain, one of the most prominent countries of the European Union, offering international students from a wide variety of academic and national backgrounds, both outstanding higher education and exchange opportunities. Study in Spain for Indian students offers them an excellent facility for learning Spanish culture and language. When compared with other destinations, study in Spain for international students offers a standard of living, which is considerably cheaper than other European and western countries. Spain’s pleasant lifestyle, mild climate and the wealth of stimulating and varied cultural opportunities throughout the country, are the key to its popularity.

Career Opportunities

Education in Spain for Indian students offers a broad array of jobs to those who wish to work while they pursue a degree in any of the country’s renowned institutions. You can check your university employment helpdesk for listings of jobs.

Newspapers and job portals are another great way to look for part time jobs in Spain.


Study in Spain for Indian students allows them to take up part time jobs for 20 hours per week and earn anywhere between €7 - €10 per hour.


Internships which are an integral part of the programmes are considered as future placements.

Education Cost

Top Colleges List

Aspire Business School

Barcelona Technology School

Barcelona School of Management

C3S Business School

Castelldefels School of Social Sciences

Centro De Lenguas E Intercambio Cultural (CLIC)

Centro De Lenguas E Intercambio Cultural CLIC


EAE Business School

Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

Top Courses to study in Spain for Indian students include:


Architecture is a course of design, art, form and technique, combined with a great dose of passion. Architecture is one of those professions that are not only learned; they are lived. The Degree in Architecture has a wide range of internships, so that the student can acquire the necessary professional experience.


Whether your goal is to become a lawyer, a government official, or anything related to law, study abroad in Spain is where you can take some really good courses.

Arts and Humanities:

With this particular type of degree, you can work in a number of exciting fields. Some of the most popular fields to work with this degree include the English Language, History and Language, Visual Arts, Fashion and others.


Both graduate and undergraduate degrees in Business are available, and with the degree an individual has an array of opportunities sitting before them. It also happens to be one of the most popular courses to study abroad in Spain. There are specializations like Finance, Marketing, Global Business and so on.

Hospitality Management Hospitality Management can include hotels and motels, restaurants and similar establishments. With this degree you can take assurance in knowing that you will always have a job with plenty of potential for growth. One can obtain a Bachelor’s or a Master’s degree in Hospitality Management. The length of time that it takes earn the degree varies according to the exact degree you wish to earn and the university you plan to attend.

The cost to study abroad in Spain is very reasonable, especially compared to other European countries.

The average costs are as follows:

• A Bachelor’s degree education, can cost you anywhere between 680 and 1,280 Euros per year when attending a public university and private university will vary between 5,500 and 18,000 Euros per year.

• For Master’s or Doctoral degrees, university fees at public institutions are also government regulated, and vary between 22 and 36 Euros per credit.

The intakes to study abroad in Spain include September & January

Eligibility & Admission Procedure

For an Undergraduate program, a student should have successfully completed Upper Secondary Studies, have a valid school leaving certificate and should qualify for higher education studies in their home country, therefore also qualifying for higher education studies in Spain. For English proficiency, a test would be taken or the IELTS or TOEFL scores are considered.

For a Master’s in Spain for Indian students, they should have a relevant Bachelor's or equivalent Diploma Degree.

For a PhD program, the candidate must be in possession of a relevant Diploma or Master's Degree.

The current system of education in Spain is known as LOE after the Ley Orgánica de Educación, or Fundamental Law of Education. Education in Spain is compulsory, and free from 6 to 16 years of age, supported by the Government in each Region.

There are 76 universities in Spain. They are distributed throughout the country but the biggest and most important cities that have the highest number of universities include Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia.


1. Spanish universities may be either public or private, and they can be set up under either State or Autonomous law.

2. There are at the moment 75 universities of which 50 are established on a public basis and 25 on a private basis.

3. Of the 50 public universities, 48 falls under the authority of the Autonomous Communities while fall under the Ministry of Education and Science.

1. Can I study and work with my Student Visa?

Current legislation allows students to work while in possession of a student visa and residence permit (NIE), as long as you do not work full-time and the work does not interfere with your studies. You are allowed to work 20 hours per week, when you decide to study abroad in Spain.

2. Do I need to have some Spanish language skills to attend a program?

No. Courses are available in 100% English Language.